All-in-One Smoke Sensor Solution


  Smoke detectors are indispensable security devices inside homes and buildings and are legally mandatory in many countries. The smart smoke sensor has seen a surge in demand in homes, thanks to the rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT), increased functionality and the active promotion by government policy. A potential fire threat can be detected early enough to avoid greater damage and potential loss of life. Once triggered, the smoke sensor will send a warning to your mobile device allowing the owner to contact emergency services even if they are outside their home, it will also start ringing all networked smoke sensors within the home to warn occupants to evacuate immediately. Moreover, these smart sensors can also be integrated with an indoor air quality platform to detect the amount of total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) and monitor the indoor air quality (IAQ) to provide comprehensive protection to both home safety and air quality.


  The smoke sensor solutions are based on the STMicroelectronics MCU and are equipped with the OSRAM advanced detectors + emitters, the Renesas AI indoor air quality platform, an MPS efficient power management solution, a GP sophisticated primary lithium battery, and other industry-leading semiconductor support components.We complete smoke sensor platform aims to help designers accelerate time to market, lower development costs, increase overall functionality, and most importantly, help our customers develop the most innovative IoT products.